الخميس، 13 فبراير 2014

Valentine’s day

What is the point of dedicating one day to celebrate love?
If you have love “whatever type of love” you need to cherish it and celebrate it and count it as a blessing every day in your life not one day a year !!!!

What is the point to have Arabic one and another universal one?
Do we as Arabians love more than all the persons in the globe? If so why do we have all these wars and conflicts, deaths everywhere?

What is the point of bursting red everywhere, hearts, flowers and chocolate? If you love one person “again by any type of love” it is enough for him or her just be around you, hear you and enjoy being yourself and only yourself with him or her as a lover as a friend or as any other type of human being relationship

What is the meaning of love if you don not love yourself enough, to cherish yourself for whom you are? Unless you have this self-esteem and that you complete yourself and that you are stratified about whom you are no one else could give this to you but you!!!!

We need to teach ourselves to express feelings; and all types of feelings happiness, sadness, love, respect, pain ….. , and teach it to new generations as well, not the way our parents taught us that tears and fears should be hidden and should not be expressed!!!!

They are just feelings and feelings should be expressed. As simple as that to give out the negative energy you feel to be able to replace it by positive energy to be able to continue your inner peace and thus enjoy your journey with all your feelings, your fears, your joy, your hope and your life. It is YOUR OWN LIFE and no one else but YOU should decide how it should be BUT YOU.


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