الأربعاء، 31 ديسمبر 2014

new year's evening

My plans for tonight were having a walk in a mall or something , eating ice cream with family then going home paking a cake, watching a movie and praying for that z comn year is a better one

Instead I had emergency call from mam saying that dad is hospitalized due to acute severe gastroenteritis , leaving work early watching him measuring blood pressure and counting times of diharrhea per hour ,cooking lunch for mam who spent the day at the hospital

But guess what even after these worries I enjoyed my worries and pain when injecting him, I enjoyed our gathering as a family even better than my visionary of the night
Enjoy the beauty of small things even if wrapped with painful things

2014 this was your lesson to me over a complete year , u changed me a lot , you raised my bar of lots of things , really you were one of my best years despite of frustrations and disappointments , you are my year of self discovery and inner peace

2015 you have a really hard challenge let's wait for you full of hopes and anticipations

Happy new year to all of you my friends

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