الثلاثاء، 22 أبريل 2014


Imagine your life as a story (and it is) and you are its writer (and you are) but now you are writing it with ms word:

Did you start to imagine? Tayeb:
What would you:

·        Undo, redo?

·        Delete?

·        Save?

·        If you have picture tools : what would be the picture you draw for your life?

·        If you already have pictures which would you print and which would you save for later? And which would you delete?

·        Which part of the story would you write in bold, large font, small font?

PS1: now you are the author of the post so please comment in the blog not FB
PS2: ew3o teksefony we matrodosh ;)

هناك 7 تعليقات:

  1. OK

    I would delete 2003 for personal reasons and 2011 & 2013 for humanity reasons

    I would write in bold every moment I lived till graduation and save it and print it

    I would undo only one choice I made in 2003, it changed my life and destroyed my self-esteem

    I would save and print plenty of moments in 1996 and 1997, my first months in college and last months with my dad :)

    And I would re-choose my career in 1996, it would be applied arts or architectural engineering

    1. It is nice that u knew every answer for each question

      3sgbny deletion of 2011 and 2013 for human reasons
      i did not think of it but liked ur choice


    2. هى سنة ٢٠٠٣ االتفكير فيها والقرارات اللى اتخدت فيها يا ايناس شكلها تعبت كل الناس بس سيبك عجبنى انك محددة ومنظمة داليا صفوت

  2. OK , it would be nice if i could delete some moments and people too .
    undo some choices i made and hold on with people i lost contact with :(
    Rasha Azzam

  3. Good choices made u happy
    bad experiences gained u lessons and wisdome
    for those u lost contact wz u still can communicatr if they are alive
    but if dead u can contact through prayers and sadakat and beleive me theu will visit u n dreams to thank u nut when u mostly need them and not expecting them
    easy.mesh keda?

  4. هارسم لوحة على البحر ومصيف والوان وسماء صافيه مش هامسح ولا هاعمل اندو عشان كل اللى عديت بيه علمنى كتير لكن فى قصة حياتى كله بحروف عاديه لكن وفاة بابا هى بس بالحروف الكبيرة وبعديها هى فارق حياتى .داليا صفوت

    1. مبسوطه انك اتصالحتي مع نفسك اخيرا
      enjoy your life ya dolly
