الاثنين، 27 أكتوبر 2014

The modern version of sense and sensibility chapter 29

If you did not read the novel this chapter is about Marianne and Willoughby, when she moved to London on vacation, wrote him a letter telling him that she is in town, followed by another letter asking why he did not pay her a visit and ignored her in a dancing party, followed by the last one asking for explanation then asking him to resend her letters and part of her hair he used to keep !!!!

His reply was that he is not into her and that he loves someone else. Then all the grief and recall of all moments took place at Marianne’s end

I laughed a lot reading this chapter imagining the modernized version of it: she would text him on watsapp, Viber and FB that she is in town, and she would also see the “seen message “ at his end !! she may see him “writing “ on the other side and he cancels the sending option which would ignite her anger at him !!

Then she would invite him to FB “event “, he joins the event but does not comment her “mentions”. She receives notifications of his activities on FB “liking” “sharing” “commenting” on others but not her !!!   

Then she would “unfriend him” , “untag her pictures” or even blocks him !!! then the greifing stage starts recalling his comments, shares, pokes,  and how sweet his mentions were!!!

Then the detective stage starts: she searches his wall for other females’ comments, likes then searches the suspected female for his presence on her wall as likes, comments, tags, and in 90% of cases she would find out “whom she is”

How fast and silly our lives and relations on FB are !!! and how it turned into silly spying tool

All the longings and expectations in the original script would be turned into digital signals on laptop or a smart phone

I believe that Jane Austin would commit suicide if she reads my post!!! “If she understands the modern terms and the franco arab texts on FB” !!!

The original script is in 15 pages where the modern version would be 2 or 3 messages on FB or watsapp followed by few blocks, untags, and unlikes on FB

Lucky you are Jane Austin that you died before seeing these non-sense tasteless relations on social media  

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