I am of a kind that every year does a self appraisal twice a
year once in my birthday and the other on 31 December
I compare myself to the previous year and count my achievements
in a trial to assess my personal development and define the coming milestones
I have been doing this for years and it sometimes frustrated
me ,sometimes motivated me, it helped me a lot in changing my career, my
working areas when I found out that I no longer develop or belong to the place
I used to be part of on all levels personal, and professional
I used to try to increase my achievements starting September
in a trial of avoiding frustrations when doing it when it is due, even by any
quick wins like for example dieting, playing sports, finalizing projects or
milestones I defined to myself …etc.
Yesterday was my birthday and I did my end year appraisal
few weeks ago in advance and I was sort of satisfied, as a way of change I
decided this year instead of doing the “achievement” appraisal I decided to
count my blessings instead and was surprised to find out that I am really
blessed by the overwhelming feelings I got from all of my friends and family
I was blessed to have long distance calls form lots of
friends, to get all the warm calls from dear busy” real busy friends” , from
the chocolate bar and greeting post it note I got from my beloved brother that
made me shed tears 3ala elsob7, I am blessed by the great lunch and family
gathering the day before my birthday although I could not attend it as I had an
important class but when I went home I found it warm and found that mam left me
a long dining table with all dishes on it to feel the warmth and celebration
even if I could not attend
I am blessed by the smile on my niece’s face when singing
happy birthday to you to me, her hug when I came home , I am blessed to have
that kiss from dad , mam , brother and sister
I am blessed by the child inside me who was happy to bake
myself a birthday cake and do all its decoration that was amazingly beautiful
and really nice
I am blessed by my elder uncle’s call who does not have Facebook
and who remembered it without any electronic reminder and the voice of his wife
wishing me very sincere “ really sincere prayers”
I am even blessed by the cancelation of Omar Khayrat concert
that I planned to attend and was thrilled for weeks waiting for it on that
special day “la3aloh kheir” at least I enjoyed the waiting, I dressed up neatly
had very nice makeup and listened to nice music in the way in both directions.
But I really want to define who envied me that much to the degree that Omar
Khayrat was admitted to hospital that
person “serroh bat3!!! “
I am even blessed by my cousin’s call who called 23.00 and
woke me up for the rest of the night as I could not get back to sleep “memek
I am blessed by “reda “ of all of that , and for the first
time I find it 1000% achiever by all those warm greetings I got from all of you
I learened to enjoy the small things because they are not
small but they mean everything , they mean that I am still alive and can still
be happy with very simple things which are not really small , they mean the
whole world to me